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To comply with new EU laws regarding "cookies", we have updated our Terms and Conditions and provided a detailed description of how cookies work and are used on this website.  By continuing to use this site, you are agreeing to those updated Terms and Conditions.
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Frequently Asked Questions

Question : I am interested in working at the College, is there a way I can be alerted to job opportunities?

Updated : 12 April 2013 18:05

Category : Applications

Answer :

Job opportunties at the College may arise at any time of the year and so you may like to be alerted when we are advertising a particular type of role.

There are 2 ways in which you can register your interest, they are both absolutely free and you can choose whether to subscribe or unsubscribe at any time.

  1. Jobs by E-mail, this enables you to schedule a jobsearch , with the results then being sent to you via email.
  2. RSS, this service enables you to subscribe to automatic updates via your web browser, enabling you to choose whether perhaps to be updated for jobs of a particular type or working in a particular department . (More information on RSS technology can be found here)